Jerry Condon Obituary-Death News; Native Of Emly, Tipperary; Beloved Waterford Parish Priest, Je

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Jerry Condon Obituary-Death News; Native Of Emly, Tipperary; Beloved Waterford Parish Priest, Jerry Condon Passes Away

A revered and much-loved priest, Father Jerry Condon, has passed away, and the community in Waterford City and County is in mourning over his unfortunate passing.

Known for his strong dedication and selfless devotion, Father Condon made an indelible impression on the parishes that he served thanks to his unrelenting commitment.

His spiritual guidance and unwavering support had a profound impact on the lives of a huge number of people, and his participation in community projects garnered him a great deal of admiration.

As members of the community get ready to say their goodbyes, they are beginning to pour in passionate tributes that recognize his significant impact and legacy.

It is my hope that his soul finds eternal peace, and that those who remember him will continue to find inspiration and encouragement in his existence.

The community in Waterford City and County is in mourning over the loss of a unique individual as a result of the demise of Father Jerry Condon.

Through his constant dedication and caring attitude, Fr. Condon won the hearts of everyone who met him. He was born in Emly, which is located in County Tipperary.

During the course of his distinguished career as a parish priest, he left an unmistakable impression on the parishes that he served, so influencing the lives of a truly remarkable number of people.

Father Jerry Condon was a devoted and kind soul, and the community in Waterford City and County is mourning his passing together in a shared sense of sorrow.

The impact that Fr. Condon had on the congregations that he served was significant, and he was known for his unrelenting dedication to his work as well as his unselfish devotion.

His presence at the Sacred Heart Church in Waterford City and Kill, who are both located in County Waterford, provided those who were looking for spiritual direction and solace with the opportunity to receive it.

In addition to his pastoral duties, Fr. Condon’s commitment encompassed something much more.

Those he served admired and respected him for his active participation in a variety of community programs, which earned him their affection and respect.

The outpouring of emotional tributes from members of the community is evidence of the significant influence he had on the lives of a great number of people around the world.

Funeral plans to say goodbye to Father Jerry Condon will be announced at a later time. This is because the community is still struggling to come to terms with the loss of Father Jerry Condon.

He will always be remembered as a source of motivation and encouragement for those who had the good fortune to have known him.

We pray that his soul will rest in peace for all eternity, and that his legacy will continue to move the hearts of all those who remember him with both affection and sorrow.
