Is Shemar Moore Leaving SWAT? Did C.B.S Renewed The Seven Season

Publish date: 2024-05-03

After C.B.S. decided to cancel his program S.W.A.T. after six seasons, star Shemar Moore has spoken out about his feelings on the matter.

The actor, who has played Sgt. Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson, since 2017, posted a video to Instagram on Friday night in which he criticized the network for canceling its “most diverse” series and urged viewers to “make some f—ing noise and let ’em know that canceling S.W.A.T. is an f—ing mistake.”

“They canceled S.W.A.T. ”It just doesn’t make any sense,” he says in the clip. “Check out the news: The finest show on C.B.S. Friday nights at 8 is us. 

Over the past two years, we have crushed it. We greatly respect the brothers and sisters performing in the fire show that follows ours, Fire Country. To each his own. We’re innocent of any wrongdoing. 

Finally, Moore said, “Let me tell you the truth: We’re diverse.” I’m the only African-American male lead on a major television network, didn’t you know? Network television, not streaming services or cable. 

Respect to N.C.I.S.: Los Angeles, LL Cool J, and Chris O’Donnell. Extreme deference. There was no first place for L.L. It was Chris O’Donnell.

On the other hand, L.L. is a monster. Understand me. Don’t muddle my meaning. Angela Bassett is one of the women to join the cast as of 2017. 

Could you have a look at them? On the major broadcast networks, I am the only African-American male lead.

He continued by saying that S.W.A.T. was the most multicultural program on the network. 

“When I was hired to play Hondo on S.W.A.T., C.B.S. was taking a lot of heatED for its lack of diversity,” Moore remarked. “If I post this, and I think I might, I will get in a lot of trouble with C.B.S. because I’m calling them out ’cause they’ve been wonderful to me for 26 of my 29-year career.” 

And he said the network “led us to believe last week and the week before that” that there may be “some semblance of a season 7 to at least say goodbye, if not continue” before he was notified the show was canceled without warning.

Although “a lot of politics” were probably involved in C.B.S.’s final decision, the actor insisted, “It’s all about money, y’all.”

Despite its current predicament, Moore still holds out hope that the show will return to T.V. screens. I replied, “I don’t think we’re done,” he remarked. Either C.B.S. will come to their senses and recognize they were wrong… Sony will do the arithmetic and see that this is not the best action. 

It’s a joyous season for families all over the globe, so I pray we can have a kumbaya and get back together to keep going with this program.

Moore claimed he wasn’t venting frustrations only for himself but for “my family, my crew, the writers, the producers, the caterers, the wardrobe, the sound mixers, the teamsters, and the construction crew” who all work on the show.

“That’s a lot of people being told, ‘You don’t matter; we’re sorry; we appreciate your service,'” the author writes. He wished me luck while I looked for work elsewhere. “That’s not acceptable in my book.”

He continued by saying he was disappointed that the show was ending. I’ll be okay, but I’m pissed off that I had to bust my humongous a$$ to prove I could do this,” he stated. And I did show that I was capable of doing it. 

I recognize my need for others, and my gratitude for their help keeps me humble. Upwards of 300 individuals were on set at once, not counting those who were merely associated with the production.

He declared his continued “faith that S.W.A.T. will live to see another day.”

A lot of trouble may come my way for saying this, but guess what? ”I’m Gucci,” he proclaimed. 

To paraphrase, “I’m making this video because many lives are at stake, and I don’t think this is okay.” Ultimately, he said, “If we’re going to go out, cool, but let us go out right.”

In a statement released Friday, C.B.S. Entertainment president Amy Reisenbach congratulated Moore, his co-stars, and the show’s staff for their efforts.

 “We sincerely thank them for their incredible work and passion and our dedicated fans who tuned in every week.”

Shemar Moore Renewed contract with C.B.S.

After initially deciding to terminate “S.W.A.T.,” C.B.S. announced on Monday that the show can be renewed for a seventh and final season.

According to The Times, the network has announced that the season would only contain 13 episodes and will premiere in 2023 or 2024. About 22 episodes make up a network season.

The decision was reversed after star Shemar Moore criticized the network’s original decision to cancel the show after six seasons, calling it “an f— mistake.” 

He said fans should “make… noise” regarding the decision to end production on the show as a result of the excellent ratings and varied cast.

Amy Reichenbach, president of C.B.S. Entertainment, and Katherine Pope, president of Sony Pictures Television Studios, told The Times in a joint statement, 

“We have listened to our viewers and their outpouring of passion for S.W.A.T., and we have reached an agreement to renew it for a final season of 13 episodes to air during the 2023-2024 broadcast year.” 

A loyal fan base has developed throughout S.W.A.T.’s six seasons on C.B.S. We’re excited we were able to find a way to bring it back and provide the satisfying conclusion that fans of the show’s storylines and characters deserved.
