Julius Malema Details EFF Plans if Party Wins 2024 Elections, Including Arresting President Cyril Ra

Publish date: 2024-05-04

JOHANNESBURG - Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema has unveiled what he would do if he became president after the 2024 elections.

First and foremost on Malema's agenda list, if his party were elected into power, would be to send President Cyril Ramaphosa to prison.

Malema was addressing scores of EFF supporters and public representatives who filled the FNB Stadium to the rafters during the red berets' 10th-anniversary celebration on Saturday, 29 July, SABC News reported.

Julius Malema wants Cyril Ramaphosa to face jail time

During his address, Malema accused President Ramaphosa of stealing money from South Africans and having a hand in gunning down the miners in the Marikana massacre. The EFF leader took exception to the fact Ramaphosa was never arrested for his alleged crimes, The Citizen reported.

Malema vowed:

“He stole money from South Africans, and he was never arrested, he sleeps on top of dollars, and he never gets arrested. Ramaphosa is not above the law, he will go to prison whether they like it or not.”

Julius Malema takes aim at Panyaza Lesufi's crime wardens

The EFF leader also set his sights on the new crime prevention wardens Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi appointed.

Malema accused the African National Congress of using the wardens as campaigners for the up-and-coming elections. Malema vowed that every warden would be fired if the EFF won power.

South Africans take aim at Malema for Ramaphosa comments

Below are some comments:

@ManyathelaSH rebutted:

"Says someone who's accused of the VBS heist."

@Budamales criticised:

"But he said the same about Zuma. Jiki jiki, Zuma is old!"

@LouisChanguion suggested:

"They should also go to jail for stealing elderly people's money through the VBS scandal. Clean your own porch first."

@AlcoholFall asked:

"Is he going to be that judge to sentence someone to prison, that is something no judge can predict that he or she will do. In which world is he living."

@SeanDWaters added:

"Malema is not above the law, he will go to prison whether they like it or not."

@antidisinforma commented

"They'd make perfect roommates."

EFF’s 10th anniversary: Huge crowds flocking to FNB stadium to mark the party’s milestone: “Viva EFF”

Earlier, Briefly News reported that a massive gathering of Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) supporters was anticipated at the FNB Stadium in Soweto to celebrate the party's 10th anniversary.

This grand event was the culmination of various activities, including a carnival held last weekend in Alexandra, a public lecture delivered by Kenyan academic Professor Patrick Lumumba, and a commemoration of the 2012 Marikana massacre earlier this week.

The festivities were set to commence at noon, with EFF president Julius Malema scheduled to take the stage at 2 pm, reported SABC News.
