Vanilla The Chimp Video: Chimpanzees Sky Debut

Publish date: 2024-05-06

Vanilla the Chimp video captures the heartwarming moment as a rescued chimpanzee sees the sky for the first time in 28 years.

A heartwarming video shared by Save the Chimps, a sanctuary in Florida, has touched the hearts of viewers worldwide. 

The video showcases Vanilla, a 28-year-old chimpanzee who endured nearly 30 years of confinement in a New York research laboratory before being rescued in 1997.

She was then transferred to a California sanctuary where she lived inside a chain-link fence cage with no grass or enriching environment. 

In 2019, the sanctuary closed down, putting Vanilla and her group at risk during the wildfires that occurred in the area.

In a bid to save the chimpanzees, Save the Chimps arranged for a special FedEx flight to relocate Vanilla and her group to their sanctuary in Fort Pierce, Florida. 

There they join 226 other chimpanzees rescued from various places, including laboratories, the entertainment industry, exotic pet trade, and roadside zoos.

The Video

As the video shows, Vanilla stepped out of her new sanctuary enclosure and looked up at the sky filled with wonder, unable to take her gaze away. 

Alpha male Dwight was there to greet her, hug her, and offer further encouragement to the former lab chimp. 

Since arriving at the sanctuary, Vanilla has made many friends, but Dwight holds a special place in her heart, with the two developing a playful friendship.

Vanilla’s New Home

Vanilla has adjusted well to her new environment on the sanctuary island. 

Her new three-story climbing platform allows her to view her surroundings, and the lush green grass of the island provides a stark contrast to the desolate cage and enclosure she inhabited before. 

She is free to roam around and explore her new surroundings with her friends.

The privately funded rescue organization provides a secure and expansive habitat for chimps rescued from inhumane conditions, giving them an opportunity to live with other chimps and form friendships. 

The sanctuary operates on a 150-acre island on the St. Lucie River’s Indian River Lagoon and has 12 chimp communities, with over 220 rescued animals living there.

Vanilla The Chimp Video: Animal Welfare

Animal testing and captivity continue to be prevalent worldwide, raising significant concerns about animal welfare. 

In the United States, both private and government organizations extensively employ thousands of chimpanzees and other animals for testing and research. 

However, there is hope as animal rights groups like Save the Chimps actively strive to rescue these animals and improve their quality of life.

The bottom line

Vanilla’s story reminds us that every animal deserves to live a life free from harm and suffering.

The video of her taking in the beautiful blue sky for the first time was powerful enough to move the hearts of many. 

Organizations like Save the Chimps play a vital role in ensuring a better future for these animals.

With continued support, other chimps like Vanilla can also leave the horrors of captivity and experience the freedom and joy they deserve.
