Openly Lesbian Comedian Hannah Gadsby On Dating Status, Partner, Weight Loss & Sexuality

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Openly Lesbian Hannah Gadsby had a hard time opening her sexuality. A tomboy from nature, Hannah was raised in a place where homosexuals were termed as "subhuman." The people around her hometown did not have a positive attitude towards her sexual preference - their primitive mindset eventually affected her psychology and comedy. 

Australian Comedian Hannah Gadsby reached a great height of success after winning the national final of the Raw Comedy Competition for new comedians in 2006 - Australian comedian Josh Thomas was the youngest one to win the contest at the age of seventeen. She then toured internationally and even appeared on Australian and New Zealand's television programs.

Her 2018 game-changing comedy-special Nannette has been widely appreciated by the critics worldwide.

Official Trailer: Australian comic Hannah Gadsby features on her stand-up shows compiled 2018 NetFlix special trailer, Nanette (Published on 11 July 2018)

Hannah Gadsby began her career working as a cinema projectionist and as a tree planter on a farm. As laid-back as she was, she couldn't make a grand career out of tree planting, that's when fate came to her rescue. 

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Nannette (2018): Voice For LGBTIQ+ In Comedy 

Amidst escalating Me Too movement, on 19 June 2018, Hannah came up with a one-hour-long controversial NetFlix comedy special called Nanette, bashing self-depreciating comedy at the same time retrospecting her tragic coming out journey, just only to proclaim she would escape the industry she felt was shaped by white men 'self-depreciating' comedy failing to cover the voices of minorities. 

People believe that this piece of comedy is not a typical game changer but a compelling comedy masterpiece that plants desire in everyone to change their perception towards comedy as a whole.

The show brought an overwhelming worldview sense to those who had never seen something so inexplicable and so close to the artist's heart in comedy. 

Hannah was born and brought up in Smithton, Tasmania as the youngest of five children. She went to Smithton High School from 1990 to 1995.

The Australian National University alum graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History and Curatorship in 2003.

Growing up as a lesbian in a conservative community in Tasmania in the 80's and 90's, Gadsby subjugated inner curiosities regarding her sexuality - to stay under the norm of the place. Back then, she knew 'more facts about unicorns than'  she did 'about lesbians.'  

The genius comedian relates her topsy-turvy coming out process in her comedy special Nannette, in which she also epitomizes the flaws of mainstream comedy that ruthlessly extracts humor out of the sufferings of people.

Doing so,  she comes out as a fierce critique of famous personalities allegedly involved in misogyny and women objectification. 

While critiquing the likes of Louis CK, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton, and Pablo Picasso, for their inherent sexism, she makes her audience to think about why we shouldn't differentiate art and artists. She highlights the purpose of going against the culture that doesn't confront abuses. 

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From Comic To Author: Hannah Gadsby To Release 'Nanette' Inspired Memoir In 2019

When Hannah performed Nanette, she made it clear that she wasn't going to continue her journey as a 'professional' or stereotypical comedian.

Most of her fans, who were left in awe from her script and performance, were quite curious as to what the innovative artist was going to do.

Gadsby decided to become an author and write a memoir, taking inspiration from her well-adored work, Nanette. Her debut book is titled Ten Steps to Nanette. 

It will be released sometime in 2019 in Australia through publisher Allen & Unwin while Random House imprint Ballantine purchased publishing rights.

Though there is no official date for its release outside of Australia, her loyal fans will be eagerly and desperately waiting. 

The original publication date for Ten Steps had been slated for June 2018, however, was pushed back. The reason remains unknown, but Vanity Fair cites that due to the "emotional demands" of touring Nanette, the release got delayed.  

This Is How Hannah Gadsby Got Into Comedy?

Gadsby told American talk show host Seth Mayers in mid-June 2018 that she got into comedy after one friend entered her to a comedy competition, which she thought she won out of her charming ignorance. 

Once upon a time when she was working as a tree planter, Gadsby broke her hand while planting a seedling and went for surgery.

Pre-surgery, her friends advised her to broaden her audience from a couple of seedlings she planted daily to humor hungry humans. She didn't expect the suggestions from her friends as she was only 'entertaining a friend or annoying them' with her broken wrist and Australian charm in the hospital.    

Hannah Gadsby's Bio: Comedy Helps Hannah Gain Success

Upon joining comedy, Hannah rose to fame at the age of 28 after winning the final of Triple J's Raw Comedy Competition in 2006. From 2011 to 2013, the comedian co-starred in the ABC Television interview show, Adam Hills Tonight, alongside Australian comedian Adam Hills and Dave O'Neil.

Between 2014 to 2016, she featured as Hannah, a fictional version of herself, in the second, third and fourth season of Please Like Me series ( also wrote for the series).  

She has also had guest appearances on shows like Good News Week; Spicks and Specks; and New Zealand TV 3's 7 Days. She has written and presented two documentaries for Artscape program on ABC TV, namely The NVG Story (2011) and Hannah Gadsby Goes Domestic (2010).

Mocks Cosmo For Body Shaming; Her Views On Weight & Weight Loss

Gadsby has been open when it comes to body positivity. In her Twitter post of  9 February 2017, she humorously mocked the Cosmopolitan Magazine for the double standards regarding weight issues. She wrote:

 Do you think it's because I'm fat or not straight enough looking that I missed out on the cosmopolitan top 50?

She is happy with how she looks and does not have any mindset of weight loss.  

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Hannah Gadsby's Dating Life, Who Is Her Girlfriend?

Although Hanny has been with someone previously, she hasn't yet disclosed anymore about her. But she mentioned her on her Twitter about their humorous interactions in 2014.  

Girlfriend Alert: Hannah Gadsby talks about her former girlfriend on Twitter on 25 November 2014 (Photo: Hannah Gadsby's Twitter)

During a stand-up comedy a few years back, she told that she was no longer together with her girlfriend.

Even though she enjoys using humorous captions to mock her sexuality and singlehood on her social media, Hannah is just like us who craves for an understanding and accepting partner. 
