Publish date: 2024-05-08

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JOHANNESBURG- The footage of Julius Malema appearing before the Equity Court for the AfriForum case has gone viral as South Africans give their take on the EFF leader saying that the words of the song 'Kill the Boer' were simply misheard.

With no video evidence of Malema singing the song and the politician having his way, netizens are at odds as some side with Julius and others can't shake the feeling that the entire court proceeding is a farce.

Julius Malema provided the Equity Court with some comedic relief yesterday (16 February) as he explained that he feels the lyrics of Dubul’ibhunu aka 'kill the boer' were misheard and that there was no need for AfriForu to cause mass panic in the country.

TimesLIVE reports that Malema claims that the EFF was singing 'kiss the boer'. Many chuckled as the EFF leader continued to translate the lyrics. Julius said:

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"Kiss the Boer, kiss the farmer. I thought it’s English."

When Mark Oppenheimer, the advocate of the AfriForum ask Malema what exactly he meant by "kiss", the politician simply responded:


Mzansi could not ignore Malema's comedic response and took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the proceedings of the court case. As expected, there were those who found the humour in it and those who disapproved.

@seahlenxums wrote:

"They catch feelings over a song Malema sang… imagine if they were to go through the shit they made black people go through…a song is nothing compared to the demons we still fighting to this day brought to us by them."

@JabuKhuluse tweeted:

"AfriForum took Malema to court for singing ‘Kill the Boer’, AfriForum evidence played in court a show Malema singing ‘Kiss the Boer’. What a waste of time and resources."

Malema accuses AfriForum of creating panic, denies conspiracy to kill white farmers

In earlier news, Briefly News reported that Julius Malema appeared before the Equality Court in Johannesburg to testify in the AfriForum hate speech case.

However, he denies having any racist intentions against white people despite the group's accusations against him.

Malema said that AfriForum is stoking panic in the minds of white South Africans who are being led to believe that there is a plot to kill white farmers. This follows allegations that the EFF leader and his party sang a song that translates to "Kill the Boer."
